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Initiations gratuites 11 16 ans
02 January - 05 February 2024 Initiations gratuites 11 16 ans clockCreated with Sketch. 7 months ago nextCreated with Sketch.
Challenge Croiseurs SYRIUS SOLAR 2024
17 February - 27 October 2024 Challenge Croiseurs SYRIUS SOLAR 2024 clockCreated with Sketch. 5 months ago nextCreated with Sketch.
Challenge Croiseurs en double SYRIUS SOLAR 2024
18 February - 27 October 2024 Challenge Croiseurs en double SYRIUS SOLAR 2024 clockCreated with Sketch. 5 months ago nextCreated with Sketch.
Journée portes ouvertes 2024
24 February 2024 Journée portes ouvertes 2024 clockCreated with Sketch. 5 months ago nextCreated with Sketch.
Challenge J70 2024
02 March - 07 October 2024 Challenge J70 2024 clockCreated with Sketch. 5 months ago nextCreated with Sketch.
Challenge dériveurs 2024
09 March - 21 September 2024 Challenge dériveurs 2024 clockCreated with Sketch. 4 months ago nextCreated with Sketch.
Challenge J70 match race 2024
23 March - 29 June 2024 Challenge J70 match race 2024 clockCreated with Sketch. 4 months ago nextCreated with Sketch.
Challenge Croiseurs Offshore/Inshore 2024
29 March - 15 September 2024 Challenge Croiseurs Offshore/Inshore 2024 clockCreated with Sketch. 4 months ago nextCreated with Sketch.
ANNULÉ - Aircalin Match Racing Cup 2024
14 - 18 August 2024 ANNULÉ - Aircalin Match Racing Cup 2024 clockCreated with Sketch. in 29 days nextCreated with Sketch.
Trophée des Jeunes Marins 2024
31 August - 18 October 2024 Trophée des Jeunes Marins 2024 clockCreated with Sketch. in about 2 months nextCreated with Sketch.
Championnat NC dériveurs 2024
07 - 10 October 2024 Championnat NC dériveurs 2024 clockCreated with Sketch. in 3 months nextCreated with Sketch.
Championnat NC J70 2024
16 November 2024 Championnat NC J70 2024 clockCreated with Sketch. in 4 months nextCreated with Sketch.
Championnat NC croiseurs 2024
23 & 24 November 2024 Championnat NC croiseurs 2024 clockCreated with Sketch. in 4 months nextCreated with Sketch.
Remise des prix des challenges voile 2024
28 November 2024 Remise des prix des challenges voile 2024 clockCreated with Sketch. in 4 months nextCreated with Sketch.
No Woman No Sail 2024
30 November & 01 December 2024 No Woman No Sail 2024 clockCreated with Sketch. in 5 months nextCreated with Sketch.
Toutes Voiles Dehors 2024
07 December 2024 Toutes Voiles Dehors 2024 clockCreated with Sketch. in 5 months nextCreated with Sketch.